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Вы здесь » crymeariver



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where the attack was being prepared from

trying to seductively get on my knees for you but my knees crack so loud it echoes and i’m stuck there for five minutes
3 3 FAQ :O
2025-01-27 18:05:47 - nsync

list of websites blocked

blocked because your interpretation of that character doesn’t match the way they act in my bedtime narrative i imagine when i’m falling asleep every night
2 2 хочу видеть >.<
2025-01-27 18:05:26 - nsync

how to be an omega

imagine you wake up every day in room-sized bed. you are gently lifted from the covers and dressed in warmest sweaters each morning. your favourite foods are brought to you. you have no bills, no job, no responsibilities. but you are a chihuahua, so you are blind with rage.
2 2 dailyк
2025-01-27 18:06:53 - nsync

inauguration of donald trump

i sometimes like characters that fucking suck. when a character is a shit head in just the right way it can be so funny and/or compelling. someone dropped them into a ditch on the side of the road and i picked them out of the ditch and put them in my pocket
1 1 шаблон анкеты
2025-01-27 18:07:18 - nsync

bitcoin in 2009

when the objectively bad person has traumatic and honestly reasonable reasons for why theyre like that but it doesnt excuse their actions and only serves to make them more tragic as a character
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top 5 users

I'm having a hard time regulating my mean thoughts... please stop being lame idiots guys :( I want to be a nice person so bad but you guys make it so hard. perhaps be considerate before being complete fools? .. thx :)
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talking to myself out loud and disagreeing with myself every now and then so that the spirits lingering in the cold corners of my room don’t accuse me of monolithic thinking
0 0  


actually that no punctuation plot hole ooc rusff fanfic written by that 12 year old will ALWAYS be better than character ai. and I love that 12 year old btw
0 0  

wail abent

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subscribe to my tg channel

“old friends” is an underrated relationship dynamic because it’s such an innocent boring sounding term for what is usually some of the wildest shit imaginable. it’s always like ‘oh yeah we go way back, we have history’ and then you find out that history includes sex, drugs, murder, divorce, war crimes and The Incident
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glamour blonde and brunette

save me first sip of mediocre coffee from a 1€ coffee machine on a cold foggy November morning.. save me
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Вы здесь » crymeariver

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